Frequently Asked Questions

What sports do you accept?

Although I specialize in volleyball, I accept any sport!

How long does it take to have a video made?

Depending on the amount of footage that I'm dealing with and if I'm working on other videos, it could take anywhere from 2-6 weeks. But I will be able to give you a rough estimate once you contact me.

How/when do I make a payment?

I currently accept payments through Zelle, CashApp and PayPal. I will communicate with you about when I want payments to be sent.

How will I receive my video?

Once the video is completed, I will send it back through whichever service you used to send footage to me (Google Drive or Dropbox) so you can download and use however you like. I will also upload it to the ENVY YouTube channel so you can easily share it.

Is it too early/late to get a video made?

No! It is never too early or too late to start looking into getting film. If you start filming at an early age, you can continually update your video until you're ready to send it to colleges/clubs. If you are a senior and don't have any film, we can still put together a short compilation of clips.

We don't have any film, is there anything we can do?

Yes! There may already be film of your athlete posted somewhere on the internet, either on YouTube or BallerTV. If we still can't find anything, I can help with recording footage of your athlete.

Can I request a video even if my athlete doesn't want to play in college?

Of course! Highlight videos can be made for any reason, whether it be for college or personal use.

We had a video made last year, can you update the video to contain his/her new highlights? 

Yes! If you have new film you'd like me to include, you can send it over and I'll update your video with the new footage.

Send me a message

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!